Fats are an essential part of our diet, supporting the growth of cells, protecting our vital organs, assisting in the movement and absorption of many nutrients as well as keeping us warm and providing us with energy.
So, why all the bad press?
Because fat has an equal amount of negative impacts to our body as it does positive. In fact, excess fat consumption, can lead to high cholesterol, weight gain and many health problems including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease to name
but a few.
Making the best choices:
This short guide, will help you to understand which fats are good for you, which are more harmful and how much you should be eating.
Types of Fat
The current recommendations are for the average man to consume no more than 97g of fat per day, of which you should limit saturated fat to no more than 30g a day.
How to achieve this:
When buying food from shops, be aware of the traffic light labelling which indicates how much fat is in the food that you are buying.